Friday, 31 January 2014

Are You Clinging Onto an Outdated System?

It's easy to write positive motivational things and affirmations to repeat daily. There are many “gurus” out there on the internet offering re-packaged 'solution' and I must say that most of them are done NOT out of compassion (to say it plain and simple) but out of business mentality to suck $$$ from the person who is already feeling wretched.

It is very easy and most charming when people start posting these quotations around.  Yes, indeed, it is easy to write these things and even believe in them when you've got a job, can pay your bills, feed your family, when you've been treated fairly, haven't been the victim of horrific physical, emotional, and verbal abuse from others.

But if you HAVE been a victim of any of those things, these motivational affirmations and quotes seem...well...unrealistic and unimportant.  Hard to feel gratitude and "Dance!" when you can't even buy food.

There is much to say about this.
First thing is that having all the positive things in life does not mean one is happy and satisfied.  It does not mean one is free from many other deep fears and concerns.

The second thing is that this reasoning is outdated and void.  The main problem is that many still cling to this type of beliefs and definitions and as we say, knowing that you do not know is the beginning of wisdom.
Why do many still cling to their outdated comfort zone?
Why do they prefer to stay in there and not move on?
The answer is that they are not yet ready, not yet spiritually strong enough to move.

It is only by breaking loose of the many religious and traditional belief systems that we start to ask about life.
It is only when we start to become aware of the interplay of life and so called ‘death’ that we awaken.
Then we will realize the play and roles we all choose to play here in this life and that it is OK.
Then it will dawn on us that the ones whom we call miserable and wretched—according to the outdated belief system—are the ones really who are spiritually strong.
They are the ones teaching others about compassion and love.

Therefore, the opus is not on the poor and wretched ones but on the well to do person who needs to learn how to share and have compassion.
Missing this lesson, the person must repeat it until he/she gets it.  The wretched person, on the other hand, could have chosen that life to learn too and more importantly, to show others what they lack in their hearts, that is love and compassion.

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