Quantum energy work requires us to be constantly aware that we are Quantum beings manifesting and evolving in a constant shift, and we are becoming more and more conscious of it.
We are shifting and changing down to our cellular structure. One feels more and more that he is shifting from a linear perspective on to a Quantum one and this is very real. Who are we and what are we after all?
These are ever recurring questions but now is the time to perceive them not in old concepts and outdated definitions.
The old concept of the classical science is giving way to Quantum science and when I think about it, are we not really Quantum Beings? Entanglement...web of life..these have always been the teachings and experiences of shamans and seers throughout the ages.
Nowadays things are shifting so fast that we need to stay aware of what is really happening within us and within Gaia's consciousness.
We are becoming more intuitive.
We effect each other.
We effect Gaia's consciousness into a quantum evolution only if and when we choose to.
We evolve and Gaia evolves with us entangled in consciousness shift within shift.
The ancient teachings are here for us again...we are ready for this as long as we allow ourselves to be.
The masculine energy is giving way to the feminine energy again, when compassion and love are unfolding towards a New Earth Consciousness.